Hexalobular Screw

About this product

The Hexalobular Screw (#90148A0009), an essential auto part within the Body/Rear Body Guard Frame & Tail Gate and Body/Rear Body Floor & Fender systems, plays a key role by securing components together with firm precision. During operation, this essential part allows these Toyota systems to perform their function without fear of parts coming loose or shifting. Over time, the Hexalobular Screw (#90148A0009) may require replacement due to stripping, wear, or corrosion. Failing to replace a non-functional screw could compromise the stability of the parts it holds, posing a potential safety risk. Genuine Toyota parts, such as these screws, offer strong compatibility with your vehicle, and come with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Hexalobular Screw (#90148A0009) is indispensable for maintaining the structural integrity of the aforementioned systems, thus contributing significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle.